カテゴリー: Ly

KoLe Internship Program – Answering ALL your questions!

If you are looking for a chance to work with Japanese people or some activities on Marketing, then, KoLe Internship Program could be the best chance. Before you go on the internship, I will answer all your wonders and questions. The following questions must be the same as the questions in your head right now.

小さなことでも小さな幸せになれる! You can get small happiness with any thing small.

Actually, today what I did was not really work. Today, I was interviewed by Satoko-san and I was asked to think about what projects would I do if I could do internship in Kagawa.

有料広告を作成する第2日目 2nd day to create Advertisement

Today, I finished creating video and text. I am a beginner in design field but I like to be able to create short video with the tools and functions I didn’t know, and told myself “not bad”.

後半のインターンシップが再開しました!The Latter half of the internship has started!

Our mid break was a bit too long I think. It was new year holiday for Japan, but here in Vietnam was ordinarily days, so I went to school and worked.

研修の第14日目‐今日は一人しかいなかった!Internship Day 14 – it was only me, today!

Usually, my shift is just in the morning, but today, I had to go to the school, so my shift was moved to afternoon. The first it was a bit tough, but, because I was alone, my concentration went up.


Today, Hanoi was 12 degree Celsius, it is getting cold. I like winter. When winter comes, I sleep well and my bed becomes more enchanting. I heard from our instructor Satoko-san that…

研修の第7日目‐初めての日本人前のプレゼンテーション Internship Day7-First time giving presentation in front of Japanese.

Today, I was very nervous but I had a feeling of trusting myself more. I have done presentation in Japanese, before but it was in front of a teacher who is Vietnamese. Today was my first time giving presentation…