The daily blog, our interns will write. インターンが手掛けるデイリーブログ。
The Japanese shown here is as she wrote. We only added English translation.

I had a plan to travel with my friend after this internship.
Today, we had a session and consulting to create advertisement. I have never created Instagram Ad post before, but I’ll do my best!
This time, the Ad post is just one post only, so I thing it would be more difficult. It is a tough problem if I can tell what we need to tell to the potential clients. Different from the first half post, this time, we need to think budget and its effect, we must spend more time and think out the plan. Today, I was thinking about just the idea and direction only, so I am slightly worried. But this is the one of last major task of our internship so I must give my best.
By the way, yesterday, I received a notice for my graduation ceremony, and felt attachment to my university days. I don’t want to leave being university student. I don’t think I played enough.
NOTE FROM EDITOR: The interns of year 2020 are on “METI Government of JAPAN, Japan Internship Program” . They are taking internship online from the office the internship organizer of this program provides.
編集部より注釈:今年のインターンシップは「経済産業省 国際化促進インターンシップ事業」への参加で行われています。インターンはこの事業が用意した各国のオフィスからオンラインでインターンシップを受けています。
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comment from the instructor
The assignment they are doing right now is creating an Instagram advertisement. There are so much different things from the free posts. But there are 2 things to think. “How to stop audience at our advertisement” and “The good enough reason for the audience to follow us”. If they are done with these 2 elements, then the Ad is done 80~90%. And “What to tell” is I think Ly-san’s strong point. I am not worried at all ^^.