The daily blog, our interns will write. インターンが手掛けるデイリーブログ。
The Japanese shown here is as she wrote. We only added English translation.

This is just a draft. Wait till see the actual image.
As our internship gets closer to the end, it happens often that I look back my wish and purpose to join this internship. And I feel I was lucky to have this Daily Blog Task. Because of this daily blog, the record of our activity remains, like, how meaningful internship I was a part of and the things I was able to do things I had never done. Then one day, if I look this back, I will be able to remember the memory like the things happened yesterday.
Today’s task was Designing. It was to create a top image for our interview article, and, it was tougher than I thought but it was fun. I must say choosing colors are not my strength, it took a while but the hints of design and knowledge, I could finish it.
Today, I learned new things.
NOTE FROM EDITOR: The interns of year 2020 are on “METI Government of JAPAN, Japan Internship Program” . They are taking internship online from the office the internship organizer of this program provides.
編集部より注釈:今年のインターンシップは「経済産業省 国際化促進インターンシップ事業」への参加で行われています。インターンはこの事業が用意した各国のオフィスからオンラインでインターンシップを受けています。
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comment from the instructor
Ly-san did wonderful job today. Non-art or Non-design student had to design a image. It is not easy. And the time she has been given to do it was less than 4 hours. On our ending briefing, we both cheered. I hope Ly-san realize what she has done is not everyone can do it. I told her to reward herself today. Like have dessert with her lunch or something. Ly-san even mentions that she was so concentrated that she has no idea what was going on in the office. WOW.
Until Ly-san mentions in this blog, I didn’t realize that other interns with other company do not have blog to look back their everyday after finishing their internship. That is another by-product of this internship.