カテゴリー: More than 4 seasons of Japan

TAISETU(大雪) [more than 4 seasons]

TAISETSU(大雪) is the 21st season of the 24 seasons. Some parts of Japan get snow and start to stick, but not in plain areas of Shikoku. Today, It’s about superstitious fish for people who want to succeed in their business or career, today. The fish is in season, this time of the year. Let’s find it out.

SHOUSETSU(小雪) [more than 4 seasons]

The 20th season of the 24 seasons. SHOUSETSU is the season Japanese people start to get ready the seasonal gifts called “OSEIBO (お歳暮)”. And the seasonal weather which is perfect for you to visit Japanese Garden.

RITTOU(立冬) [more than 4 seasons]

It’s Official! Winter has come! Watch out for The 1st “KOGARASHI(木枯らし)”!
Today, we will tell you about 3 THINGS about the kind of wind blows this time of the year.
Because it is one of the great examples of “the 24 seasons” are used in our life!
When the wind blows, our head curator starts to think about how to spend her New Year Holiday.

SOUKOU(霜降) [more than 4 seasons]

1 FUNNY FACT & 1 RECOMMENDATION for you to enjoy Autumn Leaves in JAPAN.
SOUKOU is the 18th season of “the 24 seasons”. From this season you start to notice morning frost. When the temperature drops enough, it is the season of a beautiful phenomenon nature gives; Autumn Foliage! We share with you 2 things about them!

KANRO(寒露) [more than 4 seasons]

KANRO(寒露) is the 17th season of “the 24seasons”. The night gets longer. The air gets colder in the morning and at night. The climate is no longer humid nor too hot. You can feel “the Autumn” both day and night. We’ll introduce one seasonal event that takes place in many places in Japan.

HAKURO (白露) [more than 4 seasons]

It is the 15th season of “The 24 seasons”. During the day it is still hot enough but you will feel a bit of chill in the morning and at night. You will notice the sun is getting far and the air gets less humid. We have a lot of cultural events in Autumn. We listed 3 things you can expect during the HAKURO season.

OBON (お盆) [more than 4 seasons]

You BETTER NOT to meet up with Japanese people during “OBON”. But WHY? In this article I will walk you through the culture behind it and the reason to avoid it, as well as a trip tip to keep you safe. 

RISSHUU (立秋) [more than 4 seasons]

RISSHUU(立秋) is 13th season of “the 24 seasons (二十四節気)”. From this day it is Autumn according to the calendar. Climate remains hot enough for another month or two but interestingly enough tiny things start to change around this day.

Here we would like to share a few things that will change from this day from 2 points of view. “Nature” and “Customs”

HAN-GE-SHOU (半夏生) [more than 4 seasons]

HAN-GE-SHOU(半夏生) is one period of Japanese original calendar called “ZASSETSU(雑節)”. It starts 11th day of GESHI(夏至) “The 24 seasons(二十四節気)” and lasts for 5 days.
This article tells you that “Food eaten on HAN-GE-SHOU”, “Weather tips to travel this time of the year in Shikoku” and “Trip-tips for travel photo lovers”

GESHI (夏至)10th of “The 24 seasons”

#morethan4seasons | GESHI
GESHI(夏至) is the 10th of “the 24 seasons (二十四節気 /NIJUSHI-SEKKI/)”. In the 24 seasons, one season is about 15 days. GESHI starts on the day of the summer solstice, the day we have the longest hours of daytime. And what you could expect if you visit during this time.