Its direct translation is “The great moon during Autumn”. It is the day for us to admire the beauty of the moon. We share 5 things about this day! 1 of them is about a traditional sweet! 

5 things about this day!

The day is August 15th according to the Lunar calendar.

The custom was brought to Japan from China in the Heian era (794~1185).

It is the day for us to thank the moon for this year’s harvest.

People place offerings to the moon such as “something looks like the moon” or “harvests”. The popular offering is “odango (お団子)” the round rice powder dumplings as the shown photo. They look like the moon, don’t they? These are cute in the eyes and sweet to eat!

The moon you see on the day is not necessarily a full moon: The last time this day got a full moon was in 2013. 2021 is the year we see a full moon on the day! and 2022 and 2023 will be so.

Trip Advice 

The night of this day is cool and less humid enough to view the beautiful moon. The moonlight and BGM of insects singing with nice “odango” could be a great experience for you to try. Look for the information if any Japanese gardens open in the evening for the moon viewing! If you find one, it would become a great memorable moment for you!

Even if looking at the moon during the night is not your cup of tea, trying “odango” could be. Supermarkets, Japanese confectionery shops, and convenience stores have them during this season.

Trip Activity Suggestion

Yes, you can buy “Odango” anywhere in Japan. BUT… How about looking for somewhere you can learn how to make “Odango”?

You can see the moon everywhere on this planet. How about getting some round-shaped sweets for you and looking at the moon tonight?

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Did you know that we provide a usuful service while you are in Shikoku, Japan?

Language assistance attend

Did you know that there are so many local dialects in Japan?

Also, Did you know that people from outside of the area cannot understand the dialect, even if the person is Japanese?

On top of that, we speak in the local dialect regularly.

And, people open up faster if the person spoke the dialect.

Our curator will attend your stay in Shikoku. She was born and grew up here in Shikoku.

You will have so many advantages if you have a language assistant who is from there & speaks the local dialect.

Activity resarch & Attend

We all know that there are so many things that guide books cannot cover.

If you are looking for something, in particular, to do here but you cannot find the information in your language, we can help!

We can look into the information and tell you in English. Also, if you would need a language assistant on sight, our curator will attend your experience.

Gathering information

Haven’t you had this kind of problem? You are looking for some information about abroad, but you cannot find the information in your language nor English.

If you seem to have trouble finding information about Shikoku or Japan, we can gather the information and summarize it in English.

For business purposes or your pleasure, it doesn’t matter.

However, we cannot help you with academic research.

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