TAISETSU(大雪) is the 21st season of the 24 seasons. Some parts of Japan get snow and start to stick, but not in plain areas of Shikoku. Today, It’s about superstitious fish for people who want to succeed in their business or career, today. The fish is in season, this time of the year. Let’s find it out.

The Fish Climbs Up Their Career Ladders?!

There are a few fish Japanese people call “出世魚(/shusse-uo/)”. These fish are popular to gain the luck to succeed. Why? Because these fish change their name as they grow. Like us in the office! If we did well, years go by our title change. One of the fish is BURI.

鰤(/buri/) – yellowtail
Yellowtails change their titles.

ジャコモ(/jakomo/) – ワカナ(/wakana/) – ツバス(/tsubasu/) – ハマチ(/hamachi/) – ブリ鰤

The name changes by the size & weight. BURI is the yellowtail that weighs 4kg or more.
The season to eat BURI is from the end of October till the end of the year.
Kagawa Prefecture, where we are in, is the first place that succeeded to farm Yellowtails. There is a farm you can visit and do fun activities.

Would you like to know which season we are in NOW?

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  • “More than 4 seasons” posts are posted with DATEs of each seasons each year. Because these dates slightly changes every year.
  • You get “post notice” is the Social Media of your choice has the function.
  • If you also follow ” #morethan4seasons “. You will have the archive only about “More than 4 seasons” posts.

HANDY!!! Don’t you think?

Did you know that we provide a usuful service while you are in Shikoku, Japan?

Language assistance attend

Did you know that there are so many local dialects in Japan?

Also, Did you know that people from outside of the area cannot understand the dialect, even if the person is Japanese?

On top of that, we speak in the local dialect regularly.

And, people open up faster if the person spoke the dialect.

Our curator will attend your stay in Shikoku. She was born and grew up here in Shikoku.

You will have so many advantages if you have a language assistant who is from there & speaks the local dialect.

Activity resarch & Attend

We all know that there are so many things that guide books cannot cover.

If you are looking for something, in particular, to do here but you cannot find the information in your language, we can help!

We can look into the information and tell you in English. Also, if you would need a language assistant on sight, our curator will attend your experience.

Gathering information

Haven’t you had this kind of problem? You are looking for some information about abroad, but you cannot find the information in your language nor English.

If you seem to have trouble finding information about Shikoku or Japan, we can gather the information and summarize it in English.

For business purposes or your pleasure, it doesn’t matter.

However, we cannot help you with academic research.

If you would like to know further information, please contact us from the mail form below.

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