The daily blog, our interns will write. インターンが手掛けるデイリーブログ。
The English shown here is as she wrote. We only added Japanese translation.

My cute bucket hat I wore today ^^ Time is being “eaten” up really quick~
私の可愛いバケットハット 今日書いた通り「時間がとても早く食い尽くされる(*)」

It’s Monday again but just next week, our internship is sadly going to an end… Anyhow, I have been having a wonderful experience during this internship with KoLe and Satoko-san and everyone else so I have no regret whatsoever and I will leave this internship with just joy and happiness.

Today I had a quick consulting session with Satoko-san about our currently promotional task and this time I expressed it very strongly how I wanted to continue working with the company as a part-time freelancer after this internship.

Satoko-san told me that I already having the skills (writing and producing visuals of some sorts), the mindset and knowledge (about marketing, promotion, and visual communication). She said that I’m also quite good at following instructions and come up with things, while being quick to learn and apply new stuff too. I have already taken these things for granted but now thanks to this internship, I know my strengths better. I also realized that I have successfully acquired the way of working (the Japanese tidy way), flow of thinking (the rational and thoughtful one), and way to behave during this internship (the Japanese thinking-for-others one).

I bet I’m ready to explore the work further as a marketer ^^

Support Linh from here / リンさんの応援はこちらから

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comment from the instructor

Today’s blog made me feel every moments of my effort poured into this internship paid off!
I do not know about other company, but in our company, we put huge weight on “super basic skills as a professional”. The skills are not about special skills to do special job, such as being a great sales-person or a designer. There are more important things than that, especially for start-ups. Special skills to do special jobs can be learnt on the job. Not only Linh-san has the bases of working as a promoter or a marketer, but also she has the basic skills of what our company finds the most important quality. As she even mentions herself in the article, a lots of people take that kind of quality granted. But when the people loose their trust as a professional is always about that quality. In next 2 decades, Linh-san will experience “what she thinks it is normal things to do for her” is not so for many people and that makes her special.