The daily blog, our interns will write. インターンが手掛けるデイリーブログ。
The English shown here is as she wrote. We only added Japanese translation.

I would like to talk about time management and learning capability today.
During 2020, like everyone, I also experienced hard times when I felt like I did nothing. Yet, because of that, I learned about the priority game and managed my life according to my priority. As such, I have figured out that being able to learn is very important to me (besides my health and wellness of course). So I started planning out everything for this year, including this internship, according to what I want to learn.
These days, thanks to this internship, I feel more productive and feel like I have learned so many things in such a small amount of time. Yet, I feel like I have been slacking on my other learning progress… to focus on taking rest and improving my physical and mental health, which finally appears completely fine to me – I just realize that throughout 2020, even though I said that I had done nothing effective, that fact is indeed that I have been constantly working on things that just might not get to the place where I want it to be. As such, I deserve a BREAK (that is official coming soon in the title of a break from work) and daily time portion for relaxing.
So I have been asking myself about what I should do this break… The answer again depends on my priority. Maybe it’s time for me to reboost my foreign language (yeah I’m learning my fourth foreign language…) and my dancing skill. Maybe it’s time for me to plan out what I will do during Lunar New Year and after this internship, in the summer, in the Fall of next year…
I don’t know yet but again let’s just relax and maybe even take time to plan everything out? OK, Blinh?
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comment from the instructor
R.E.L.A.X! D.O… N.O.T.H.I.NG! at least 3 days during this break PLEASE, Linh-san!!!! Well… there are so many things I am bad at, and one of them is “NOT working”…But still, break is really important. After reading her article, I also thought about break… my pure sense of day offs (no phone call from anybody, not thinking about work or business at all and not having any chores or arrangements) are… probably… 7 days a year at MAX?! A few days in Summer and a few days in New Year time… Okay, her article made me think about my own life a bit… How about you?