The daily blog, our interns will write. インターンが手掛けるデイリーブログ。
The English shown here is as she wrote. We only added Japanese translation.

We, by that I mean our co-interns, began the day at our co-working office with talking about having a hotpot party together next week (as we will have a break during our internship). More than feeling excited about our break, I feel like all interns feel more excited about the chance of being able to get together… and eat (something really nice a.k.a hotpot)!
私たち(インターンたち)は、コーワ―キング・オフィスで、(来週からインターンシップは年末年始休暇に入るので)来週鍋パーティーを行うことを話すことから一日がスタートしました。休暇を楽しみにするよりも、私たちインターンは、全員そろって何かをする…のと、食べる…機会があることの方を楽しみにしているように感じました(とっても美味しいものa.k.a 鍋料理)!
Throwback at the beginning of our internship, we had a pizza party at work the second-week into our internship and that was the first time ever (at least for me) to get to know each other. The pizzas were so nice as I have mentioned in my blog before (well, by this time, you probably know that I’m a big fan of food – a true foodie) but again, our talk to other interns was so much nicer. Due to the nature of our online internship, we, again I mean our co-interns from other host companies, barely have a chance to talk and get to know others since we are working via online medium and with different host companies, even though we are working in the same office.
It’s kind of a pity because I swear that my co-interns are loveliest people I have met in this difficult 2020… Yet, soon we will be having fun together, with hotpot (for your information, Vietnamese people love food and our hotpot culture is HUGE, especially in the winter)… They say food brings people together and I cannot stress enough the importance of that saying!
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comment from the instructor
Oh, boy… Isn’t it the very first time, Linh-san did not mention about what we did on our internship?! (lol)… No, no, I just wanted to pointed out that how I could easily imagined the hotpot party is exciting for everyone in the office. Hotpot….ummm…. Hotpot culture in Japan is also huge so I am so curious about what kind of hotpot they are going to have.
As I mentioned in Ly-san’s blog. We had longer meeting looking back our first half. Linh-san has asked me extra activity in Art area. “Ask, and it will be given to you”….well… I am not going to ruin her excitement with my comment on the internship activity today. See you all on Monday!