The daily blog, our interns will write. インターンが手掛けるデイリーブログ。
The English shown here is as she wrote. We only added Japanese translation.

Some sugar (and lots of calories) to keep myself awake during the morning and our promotional task!

A sneak peek to our internship schedule: this time next week is the last day of work before our internship break! How fast time flies~

Today, I want to reflect on my strengths in doing (visual) communication. After the morning brief with our instructor Satoko-san (which I always enjoy before with those talks I never feel like we are doing online internship – just feel like we are working in a team together), I reminded myself that despite I might not have enough art in my body and certainly not enough skills to make “art,” I still have some strengths that I should adore more.

I can follow instructions and deliver tasks according to requirements or guidelines pretty well. I can synthesize information and produce written pieces pretty fast. I may not do the best when it comes to creating visuals (like how I struggle to edit our promotional photos) but I do know what I want (and Satoko-san says it looks nice) and potentially know the way to achieve it (with a bit of trials and errors of course). Thanks to this internship opportunity, I feel like my elements are coming together once again, from being able to creatively do what I want, to being able to appreciate myself and effort.   

Another sneak peek to our internship’s promotional task progress: I have finished more than 60% of it! I’m surprised at me being fast as well so please look forward and follow our Instagram (‘s posts) in the very near future – by that I mean tomorrow ^^

Support Linh from here / リンさんの応援はこちらから

Leave positive reaction on her blogs and posts on KoLe social media.


All posts relate to her has those 2 #tags above. So don’t forget follow the #tag!

comment from the instructor

How you define the difference between art and design? I just believe it is just difference of creative motive, prospective and what the pieces for. To be able to live through professional world, her set of skill she already has is more important. Because, if she wants different visual from what she can create by herself, she can find one who can and she can work as an art director. To be able to digest information of what your clients want/need is more important and valuable for our world. So, I see this wide potential in her that she can take any path she wants take. My recommendation is keep creating but also get some experiences of using other creators to be a project manager. And I will be happy to take a gig offered by her, if she allow me to participate in her project, in the future.