タグ: food

TAISETU(大雪) [more than 4 seasons]

TAISETSU(大雪) is the 21st season of the 24 seasons. Some parts of Japan get snow and start to stick, but not in plain areas of Shikoku. Today, It’s about superstitious fish for people who want to succeed in their business or career, today. The fish is in season, this time of the year. Let’s find it out.

HAN-GE-SHOU (半夏生) [more than 4 seasons]

HAN-GE-SHOU(半夏生) is one period of Japanese original calendar called “ZASSETSU(雑節)”. It starts 11th day of GESHI(夏至) “The 24 seasons(二十四節気)” and lasts for 5 days.
This article tells you that “Food eaten on HAN-GE-SHOU”, “Weather tips to travel this time of the year in Shikoku” and “Trip-tips for travel photo lovers”