CHUUSHUU-NO-MEIGETSU (中秋の名月) [more than 4 seasons]
Its direct translation is “The great moon during Autumn”. It is the day for us to admire the beauty of the moon. We share 5 things about this day! 1 of them is about a traditional sweet!
Its direct translation is “The great moon during Autumn”. It is the day for us to admire the beauty of the moon. We share 5 things about this day! 1 of them is about a traditional sweet!
OHIGAN is the 7 days period of holding memorial services for ancestors and Buddha. During this period you see 2 things all over Japan.
It is the 15th season of “The 24 seasons”. During the day it is still hot enough but you will feel a bit of chill in the morning and at night. You will notice the sun is getting far and the air gets less humid. We have a lot of cultural events in Autumn. We listed 3 things you can expect during the HAKURO season.
This day is 210th day from RISSHUN(立春) the first day of spring. This day and 10 days after the day are known as “Watch out for typhoons” days. We will explain what to expect, what not to do when your stay in Japan was hit by typhoons.
SHO-SHO is the 14th …
You BETTER NOT to meet up with Japanese people during “OBON”. But WHY? In this article I will walk you through the culture behind it and the reason to avoid it, as well as a trip tip to keep you safe.
RISSHUU(立秋) is 13th season of “the 24 seasons (二十四節気)”. From this day it is Autumn according to the calendar. Climate remains hot enough for another month or two but interestingly enough tiny things start to change around this day.
Here we would like to share a few things that will change from this day from 2 points of view. “Nature” and “Customs”
On “The day of OX in DO-YO-U”, a lot of Japanese people eat eels. The idea was introduced by an inventor who just wanted to help an eel restaurant in the Edo period (1603-1868). This is the real story of how great marketing could become one country’s tradition or custom.
暑中お見舞い申しあげます (SHOCHU…
There are 3 things to avoid during DO-YO-U. 1 thing to do on one specific day of SUMMER DO-YO-U. Can you guess what they are?
11th season of “the 24 seasons (二十四節気)”. On this article we introduce you the travel tip for you to have much deeper experience and memory when you travel around this time of the year.
HAN-GE-SHOU(半夏生) is one period of Japanese original calendar called “ZASSETSU(雑節)”. It starts 11th day of GESHI(夏至) “The 24 seasons(二十四節気)” and lasts for 5 days.
This article tells you that “Food eaten on HAN-GE-SHOU”, “Weather tips to travel this time of the year in Shikoku” and “Trip-tips for travel photo lovers”
#morethan4seasons | GESHI
GESHI(夏至) is the 10th of “the 24 seasons (二十四節気 /NIJUSHI-SEKKI/)”. In the 24 seasons, one season is about 15 days. GESHI starts on the day of the summer solstice, the day we have the longest hours of daytime. And what you could expect if you visit during this time.
What would if we tell you there are more than 4 seasons in Japan? Would you agree with “Japan is the country of SAMURAI?” Find out what what we mean.
What is Golden Week? This article explains if you should pick this time of the year in Japan to visit or not by style of your trip plan.
When I entered the exhibition hall, I would have never imagined I would end up with a precious tool which was used by the artisan. This unbelievable incident gave me a chance to think about the materials and tools artisans use. This is a story of female artisans dominant traditional craft of our region, Kagawa, Shikoku, JAPAN.
If you are in Japan in the right season, I assure you that you will be able to get great cherry blossoms photos all over Japan. But have you ever given thought about “why these trees are there”? Cherry trees are planted all over Japan probably way more than you think. So, I believe there are greater cherry blossoms spots out there. But I just love this spot because of its story. I would love to share the story of Japanese obsession towards cherry blossoms and it given the community a greatness.
New contents are up on our YouTube channel now! Our very first International Virtual (online) Internship ended on February 3rd, 2021. Two bright and wonderful ladies, Ly and Linh from Vietnam, joined us as interns. They have left & gave us so much during the internship. One of the best contents they have left us is this interview videos. We have finished editing and uploaded on our YouTube channel. We hope you will enjoy them as much as we did.
I am a product curator of KoLe SHIKOKU Japan. When you read the sentence, what type of work did you imagine that I do? Here is one of my typical afternoons. I believe one unique thing of being KoLe Curator is the relationship with our artisans and creators. Some say it is unnecessary, but I find it is important and very efficient. Why not find out if what you imagined and what I do is the same?
Internship will start from Dec. 1st, 2020. We will be reporting how they are doing on the blog and our Social Media. So please cheer them up.