Capturing seasonal local sound.
Hi, I’m Satoko the head curator of KoLe. Today, I am happy to announce that we have just sat up our YouTube channel for you to get taste of where we are. For the first project, I picked to capture the SOUND of end of Summer here.
A lots of cultures have different types of wind chimes. What are the purpose of it in your culture? Here in Japan, we use them in the Summer to ease the heat and humidity by ears. I am not sure if it sounds cooling for you, but for the most of Japanese people, it sounds very cooling.
Once upon a time humans did not have air conditions, our ancestors could not lower the temperature or humidity, but they tried to feel cooler by sound.
This was filmed on 28th August, 2020. By the calendar, it is the end of Summer, but it is still hot. However, insects are surely changing from Summer insects to Autumn insects, this time of the year. Around this time, the sound we hear is mixture of Summer and Autumn.
For us, not only the sounds of wind chime make us feel cooler but also sounds of Autumn insects relieve us to know the hot humid Summer is ending.
This day, temperature was 35 degrees C (95 F), humidity was 57%. It was quite far from calling the day Autumn was coming.
From this time of the year, every time typhoon storm hits, it gets cooler and cooler.
Seasonal color of the sky and the sea

The island we are in is called “Shikoku”. It is one of 4 main islands of Japan and the smallest one. Northern part of it faces Seto inland sea where the Setouchi islands float. Southern part of it faces Pacific ocean.
Shikoku island has 4 prefectures (prefecture is a kind of districts. Similar to Counties or States depending on which country you are). Kagawa Pref., Tokushima Pref., Kochi Pref., and Ehime Pref.
We are in Kagawa which is the prefecture faces Seto inland sea.
This calm inland sea with a lots of islands (700 islands aprx.) changes its looks by season, slightly. I am not sure what is causing it but, water temperature, the sun, cloud, color of the sky and current must be effecting it.
I’ve decided to keep capturing seasonal Seto inland sea from the same view spot on Yashima…totally unexpected thing happened.
Still full of surprises!
I was born and raised in Kagawa. I have been on this island 87% of my life so far. (Where was I rest of 13%? In Dublin, Ireland.) Shikoku is the smallest main island of Japan and Kagawa is the smallest prefecture of Japan. Yet, there is always something new to discover. That always amazes me.
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