This article was written as a part of our Internship 2020 by our intern. The article is as original as the intern wrote.
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– Online internship with KoLe by Pon&Con Kikaku, Inc. –

Pon&Con Kikaku Inc., with its mission of “Make small businesses shine,” will be soon recruiting potential interns to help with their KoLe’s Project.

Pon&Con Kikaku Inc & KoLe Shikoku, Japan

KoLe Shikoku, Japan exists as a medium to help small companies like for Pon&Con Kikaku Inc. run their own business. KoLe’s Project aligns with Pon&Con Kikaku Inc.’s mission and commits to helping society by providing jobs that already existed surrounding the company through sustaining small businesses or self-employers. Trusted by local producers, craftsmen, and artisans, Pon&Con Kikaku Inc. and KoLe’s Project are ready to welcome new talents to their family in order to support their mission!            

The idea of KoLe came from a meeting between Satoko Kamada, the head and curator of KoLe’s Project, and a producer from Kagawa, who created brilliant items that Satoko personally really wanted to introduce to the world outside of Japan. Appreciating the beauty and goodness in the products created by excellent producers from Kagawa, Satoko also noticed and understood the producers’ struggles to get the products out there, which might take the producers a lot of effort to learn and coordinate while distracting them off focusing on creating stunning items. While working with the producer, Satoko realized that her skills and experiences of working within the trading field at a global company in the past could certainly help producers fill in the missing parts of this exporting process to get excellent items from Kagawa out to the world. Now, concentrating on developing KoLe’s Project, Satoko would like to recruit new interns to help with the business and to even take care of it in the future.

KoLe’s International Internship Program

What: KoLe’s Internship is designated to be on the online platform, as it aims to coordinate the satellite network of people who can help the business from their local countries, which are also potentially KoLe’s target markets. The internship focuses on learning about KoLe’s business and philosophy while allowing interns to get their hands on specific projects based on their skillsets and preferences. From the virtual experience, selected interns will be invited to Kagawa and have in-person internships with the company in order to learn more about the Japanese culture and local producers.

How: With KoLe’s Internship, interns can expect to experience working on projects that resemble working on an entire business, which is real, necessary, and requires multiple skills. Such a well-rounded internship program is designed to train a person to be able to become self-employed or even run their own business with adequate important skills, attitude, and ethics.

Why: KoLe’s Internship will provide interns with a well-rounded skill package ready for any working environment that might take someone many years of experience to acquire otherwise.

  • This 6 to 12-month internship allows flexible working time with only one meeting a week. Interns can work wherever they are and at whatever time they prefer (for just about 3 hours of work per day) – this reflects an important skill for a person to find, manage, and balance the working time with their lifestyle.
  • Anything can be negotiable within this internship, from working time to the duties, which provides interns with another important skill of negotiation!
  • Coming out from KoLe’s Internship, interns can expect to have their own work portfolios, which consists of their work for KoLe’s.
  • Selected interns will have chances to be invited to Kagawa for in-person internships.
  • Interns will also be on the priority contact list for KoLe’s collaboration in the future.   

Who: KoLe’s Internship welcomes young leaders who

  • have the ambition to run their own businesses in the future
  • possess multiple skills to be able to run a project like running a business
  • get excited to learn and create new things
  • curious and proactive to work as KoLe’s target country Marketing Executive.

Please look out for KoLe’s Internship 3-step application (CV screening, interview, and assignment) coming soon!

Sign up now for notifications about the application details and be able to receive an exclusive document about “Japanese Work Ethics” curated by our KoLe’s Project leader Satoko Kamada!

Linh (Internship 2020)

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