KoLe curates and exports products from Shikoku, Japan. Currently we are getting ready for our opening. However, we have decided to release our website & news blog.
We are also preparing for opening promotion. We would like to invite as many people as possible. Simply subscribe our news letter to be sent invitation.
We will be sending news letters once in a while to informing how it is going. Do not worry we are NOT sending news letters too often. Because our head curator absolute hates those news letters occupy her mail box. We do not do what we do not like to be done.
Invitation will be sent when we are ready for opening. So do not miss the news letter.
You will be only people to receive one time only opening deal. And you will be listed as V.I.P even without making any purchases.
Get yourself on the invitation list now!
Did you know that you can expedite our opening?
We can not open without having any showrooms. We are always looking for retail shops to become our showroom.
By any chance, could one of your favorite shops be possible KoLe showroom?
It will be depending on the shop owners decision and KoLe’s decision if it becomes showroom or not, but why not give us a shot recommending your favorite shop to us?
Comments by satoko