CHUUSHUU-NO-MEIGETSU (中秋の名月) [more than 4 seasons]
Its direct translation is “The great moon during Autumn”. It is the day for us to admire the beauty of the moon. We share 5 things about this day! 1 of them is about a traditional sweet!
Its direct translation is “The great moon during Autumn”. It is the day for us to admire the beauty of the moon. We share 5 things about this day! 1 of them is about a traditional sweet!
OHIGAN is the 7 days period of holding memorial services for ancestors and Buddha. During this period you see 2 things all over Japan.
This day is 210th day from RISSHUN(立春) the first day of spring. This day and 10 days after the day are known as “Watch out for typhoons” days. We will explain what to expect, what not to do when your stay in Japan was hit by typhoons.