Is only a good appearance all that really matters?
“The more beau…
“The more beau…
You BETTER NOT to meet up with Japanese people during “OBON”. But WHY? In this article I will walk you through the culture behind it and the reason to avoid it, as well as a trip tip to keep you safe.
I am a product curator of KoLe SHIKOKU Japan. When you read the sentence, what type of work did you imagine that I do? Here is one of my typical afternoons. I believe one unique thing of being KoLe Curator is the relationship with our artisans and creators. Some say it is unnecessary, but I find it is important and very efficient. Why not find out if what you imagined and what I do is the same?
Bring your favorite …
Takashi Morimoto is a KUDE-SHOUJI artisan as well as fixture artisan. However what he creates is beyond what he is trained to make. Learn what he means by “SHU-HA-RI” and “ONKOZANSHIN”.
We are quite positiv…