The year 2022 is the year of TIGER! So, we would like to introduce one local traditional craft which to do with tiger and an item that you can paint your own tiger. This is an archive of our audio content. This is 3 parts series. Each audio contents are about 3 minutes 30 second.
Episode 1/3 (3min30sec)
- About the Japanese Zodiac & the Chinese Zodiac (animal signs)
- Our location: Shikoku and Kagawa
- About the local craft: HARIKO-TORA
Episode 2/3 (3min 30sec)
- What contains in “Paint-Your-Own Tiger” set
- Who makes it
- What to do with it
Episode 3/3 (3min 30sec)
- An example of the painted “Paint-Your-Own Tiger”
- How our curator encounter this item
- Strong connection between this item and our curator’s childhood memory
contact us
If you would like to know more about the item, let us know from the contact form below 🙂
Comments by satoko