OBON (お盆) [more than 4 seasons]
You BETTER NOT to meet up with Japanese people during “OBON”. But WHY? In this article I will walk you through the culture behind it and the reason to avoid it, as well as a trip tip to keep you safe.
You BETTER NOT to meet up with Japanese people during “OBON”. But WHY? In this article I will walk you through the culture behind it and the reason to avoid it, as well as a trip tip to keep you safe.
RISSHUU(立秋) is 13th season of “the 24 seasons (二十四節気)”. From this day it is Autumn according to the calendar. Climate remains hot enough for another month or two but interestingly enough tiny things start to change around this day.
Here we would like to share a few things that will change from this day from 2 points of view. “Nature” and “Customs”
On “The day of OX in DO-YO-U”, a lot of Japanese people eat eels. The idea was introduced by an inventor who just wanted to help an eel restaurant in the Edo period (1603-1868). This is the real story of how great marketing could become one country’s tradition or custom.