月: 2021年2月

How the New Things were Born : one afternoon of our curator

I am a product curator of KoLe SHIKOKU Japan. When you read the sentence, what type of work did you imagine that I do? Here is one of my typical afternoons. I believe one unique thing of being KoLe Curator is the relationship with our artisans and creators. Some say it is unnecessary, but I find it is important and very efficient. Why not find out if what you imagined and what I do is the same?

My 1st Oversea Internship Experience

It’s the final “task” of our internship with KoLe Shikoku, Japan. This task is about whatever we experience as interns during this internship and I believe that there is no better way to do so other than demonstrating my experience through the concept of Instagram – the platform that we have been closely engaged in and developed from. Please enjoy reading ^^

